
About Fife-Penn CS Academy Coding Club for Girls and Boys

Coding Clubs are FREE after-school programs for boys and girls in grades K through 8 where students learn how to code and join a group of supportive peers and role models.

The club is led by computer science students from Penn Engineering, University of Pennsylvania.

Read more about our coding clubs!


Learning to code has impact. The Fife-Penn CS Academy builds computing skills in students from grade K through 8. With this exposure, students will be comfortable exploring higher level classes in high school and college. Computing skills are the most sought-after in the US job market, with demand growing at 3X the national average of other skills. Computing is where the jobs are—and where they will be in the future! Kids who learn to code early build confidence in their skills, and are likely to seek out challenging computing courses in high school and college.

What we teach

Fife-Penn CS Academy coding club gives students a safe and supportive environment to learn the concepts of loops, variables, conditionals, and functions that form the basis for all programming languages. Here is a sample of the curriculum we teach:

·       Scratch

·       Codesters

·       Applab from Code.org

·       Concepts from Khan Academy

·       Programming in Python

·       Building a web site with CSS, javascript and html

·       Debugging programs

·       Google CS First

·       Spotlight on famous women and men computer scientists

Coding Club Schedule

Spring – February to April

Fall – October to December

Contact Chanda Jefferson, Director to find a day and time to fit your school schedule.

Email: chandaj@seas.upenn.edu

Office: (215)-746-8126